Tag: exercise
Vida sana y esclerosis múltiple: recursos informativos del movimiento de la MSIF
Explore resources from across the globe on exercise, nutrition and wellness for people affected by MS.
Adaptar tu estilo de vida: una guía para personas con EM
MS Research Australia has released a lifestyle guide packed with practical and evidence-based recommendations for living well with MS. The guide looks at nine lifestyles areas, investigating their impact on MS in light of recent scientific research. Learn more and explore the latest MS tips for diet, vitamin D and beyond!
Estirar con EM: Yoga y pilates alrededor del mundo
We explore why people with MS around the world practise yoga and Pilates.
Un ensayo clínico demuestra que el pilates puede ayudar a la movilidad y a la capacidad de andar en la EM
Trial results show that Pilates, an exercise for strengthening core muscles, improves walking distance and mobility in MS.
Union Roska acoge sus primeras olimpiadas para personas con EM
Czech MS organisation Union Roska marked its 25th anniversary with the Roskiáda Sports Games, a new sports event for people with MS
Un nuevo estudio demuestra que el agua fría en la boca puede reducir la sensibilidad al calor en la EM
Cold water in the mouth can help reduce heat sensitivity, a common symptom of MS.
Sexto seminario sobre EM de la Asociación Japonesa de EM
Inspiring speeches and research news at the Society’s event in Tokyo