Influenced by the UK MS Society-funded Supportive Adjustment for Multiple Sclerosis (saMS) manual, have launched Thought Sort, a tool to help people with MS be kind to their mind using evidence based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques.

A diagnosis of MS brings huge uncertainty and a complex range of emotions, from sadness to frustration to anxiety and depression which can lead to further distress. ‘Thought Sort’ aims to help people with MS recognise these negative feelings early on and learn to understand what is fuelling them.

Users of Thought Sort can:

  • Record their thoughts: People can use the Thoughts Record to jot down unhelpful thoughts and learn how to adapt them using proven CBT techniques.
  • Try a mood booster: A range of activities for people to try to boost their mood and improve their overall wellbeing
  • Get peer support: community members have been trained to offer peer support to people using the site.

The development was guided by Rona Moss-Morris, Professor of Psychology as Applied to Medicine at King’s College London. She commented: “As lead author of the UK MS Society-funded Supportive Adjustment for Multiple Sclerosis (saMS) manual, I was approached by with the idea of creating an online tool.

“It’s great to see how the manual has been brought to life in a way that MSers across the world can access and personalise to what works for them. has put its unique stamp on it, particularly with the ‘Mood booster’ area, which suggests activities people can try with the aim of lifting their mood.”

Users who sign up to ‘Thought Sort’ between February and April 2016 can be part of a research study carried out by University College London. The evaluation will review the response to the tool and its impact on people with MS.

By signing up to people with MS no longer need to tackle their unhelpful thoughts on their own.