Las recomendaciones nuevas apoyan un mejor acceso a los tratamientos para la esclerosis múltiple

Essential medicines for low-resource settings: further evidence published.

Relevant publications

Publications from MSIF and other stakeholders in support of work on access to MS healthcare.

The WHO Intersectoral Global Action Plan for epilepsy and other neurological disorders

A 10-year global action plan that aims to improve the lives of people living with neurological conditions including MS

MSIF’s work on access to MS healthcare

Addressing barriers to accessing MS healthcare at a global, regional and national level.

La decisión de la OMS trae esperanza a personas con esclerosis múltiple de todo el mundo

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) treatments added to WHO’s Essential Medicines List for the first time

MSIF insiste en la necesidad de tratamientos para las afecciones neurológicas durante la reunión de la OMS

MSIF and neurological organisations' statement during the Essential Medicines List Committee open session

Essential medicines for MS

Advocating for the addition of MS treatments to the WHO Essential Medicines List

Solicitud de la MSIF para la Lista de Medicamentos Esenciales

Efforts to improve access to MS treatments continue

Improving access to MS treatment and healthcare

Addressing barriers to accessing treatment at a global, regional and national level

La Asamblea Mundial de la Salud aprobó un importante plan mundial de 10 años para mejorar la atención a las personas afectadas por enfermedades neurológicas

MSIF supports the adoption of the WHO's intersectoral global action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders, including MS

El movimiento MSIF da forma al plan de acción mundial de la OMS para la epilepsia y otros trastornos neurológicos

MSIF highlights priority actions for MS in the draft global plan