Tag: myelin repair
Hablemos acerca de la mielina
To stop MS, we need treatments that repair damage to the protective myelin coating around nerves.
Ensayos de terapias de remielinización
News on one of the first trials looking at remyelination as a treatment for MS. See the results of a phase 2 clinical trial testing the safety and efficacy of opicinumab.
El método no invasivo ayuda a que las células productoras de mielina sobrevivan.
Myelin production is shown to be promoted by a method known as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
La manipulación de la mielina
Australian researchers have found that the electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain plays an important role in the growth of myelin. This laboratory discovery may lead to new interventions to promote myelin repair in MS.
La impresión 3D contribuye al descubrimiento de fármacos para el tratamiento de la EM
Scientists have used 3D printing to create a model that could be used to aid MS drug discovery.
El ensayo con un antihistamínico muestra que es posible reparar la mielina
Anti-histamine drug clemastine may boost myelin repair in MS