Tag: MS Research Australia
Mitocondrias con gran energía: una posible vía para tratar la EM progresiva
New research funded by the International Progressive MS Alliance looks at ways that nerve fibres protect themselves from damage.
La manipulación de la mielina
Australian researchers have found that the electrical activity of nerve cells in the brain plays an important role in the growth of myelin. This laboratory discovery may lead to new interventions to promote myelin repair in MS.
Un medicamento antidepresivo podría servir para tratar la EM progresiva
Screening of almost 250 medications has identified clomipramine as a possible treatment for progressive MS.
La impresión 3D contribuye al descubrimiento de fármacos para el tratamiento de la EM
Scientists have used 3D printing to create a model that could be used to aid MS drug discovery.
Research Australia entrega el premio al desarrollador de la mayor base de datos sobre EM del mundo
Helmut Butzkueven, who led the development of MSBase with support from MS Research Australia, has received the Data Innovation Award.
2017: un año fundamental para el movimiento MSIF
This year marked the 50th anniversary of the MS International Federation, giving us a valuable opportunity to celebrate shared successes and renew our commitment to work together to achieve a world without MS.
El estudio muestra que la toma de medicamentos para la EM siguiendo las indicaciones mejora la salud general
Canadian research reveals the positive effects of taking MS medications as prescribed on a person's general health
Descubrir cómo las células inmunitarias llegan al cerebro en la EM
Study reveals important mechanism that allows immune cells to attack myelin in MS
Uso de datos para personalizar el tratamiento de cada paciente
Scientists have been using a large database to develop algorithms to predict individual responses to a particular therapy before starting it.
MS Research Australia recibe el premio más importante en los premios Telstra NSW Business Awards
MS Research Australia is the first non-profit organisation to be awarded the highest Telstra award: Telstra NSW Business of the Year
El director ejecutivo de MS Research Australia celebra el importante papel de las nuevas tecnologías para transformar la vida de las personas que tienen esclerosis múltiple
Matthew Miles, Chief Executive of MS Research Australia, shared insights on how technology is revolutionising research, treatment, diagnosis, and more