Tag: membership
Nuestra estrategia
Together we're stronger than MS
MSIF membership criteria
MSIF membership benefits
Members of the MS International Federation receive a wide range of benefits
Join MSIF (MS organisations)
How we are governed
Our members
The MS International Federation has 47 members in 45 countries and links to many other organisations
International Medical and Scientific Board
The international scientific and medical board links us to the MS medical and research community
MSIF welcomes its newest member from the Republic of North Macedonia
The National Association for MS in the Republic of North Macedonia join’s MSIF's global network of MS organisations.
MSIF welcomes two new members
MS Vereniging Nederland and MS South Africa join MSIF's global network of MS organisations
Who we are and what we do
We are the only global network of MS organisations
Cómo 513.000 libras esterlinas apoyan a 21 organizaciones de EM durante la pandemia
Six months into the COVID-19 Response Initiative
Damos la bienvenida a EME de España como miembro más reciente de MSIF
Esclerosis Múltiple España is now an associate member of the MS International Federation
Un movimiento más fuerte con la Fundación ARSEP
The Fondation pour l’Aide à la Recherche sur la Sclérose En Plaques (ARSEP) joins MSIF, marking a historic moment for the MSIF movement.
ARSEP joins MS International Federation
Fondation ARSEP has become MS International Federation’s second supporting organisation
La Federación Internacional de EM lanza una nueva página web
The site includes a members' area and more content in Arabic and Spanish