Tag: DMTs
ما مدى توفر سبل الحصول على علاجات التصلّب العصبي المُتعدّد في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا؟
New publication highlights regional disparities in the management of MS
حالة براءة اختراع العلاجات المعدلة لمرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد حول العالم
Collaborating with the Medicines Patent Pool as MSIF continues work on improving access to MS treatments
Improve access to MS treatment
Access to treatment is a high priority for most people with MS. Convince decision-makers that MS treatments should be available in all health systems.
Relevant publications
Publications from MSIF and other stakeholders in support of work on access to MS healthcare.
Learn from others
Advocacy examples from the global MS movement to inspire you today.
Off-label treatments for MS
MSIF's work relating to off-label DMTs for MS
Essential medicines for MS
Advocating for the addition of MS treatments to the WHO Essential Medicines List
Improving access to MS treatment and healthcare
Addressing barriers to accessing treatment at a global, regional and national level
ما هي العلاجات المعتمدة للأطفال والشباب ذوي التصلب العصبي المتعدد؟
We look into these in more detail to understand how the treatment decisions are made by regulators.
كيف يستجيب الأشخاص ذوي التصلّب العصبي المُتعدّد للقاحات كوفيد-19؟
What does research tell us about how DMTs affect the body’s immune response to COVID-19 vaccines?
دراسةٌ توضح ظهور تحسّن في نتائج توظيف الأشخاص ذوي التصلّب المتعدد
New research, involving 874 people who had used disease-modifying therapies during the previous 5 years, has shown a link between more effective disease-modifying therapies and an increased level of employment, work attendance and productivity at work.
المسار الغامض لترقّي التصلّب المتعدد
How the biological processes cause progression in different types of MS.