Tag: access to healthcare
Essential medicines for MS
Advocating for the addition of MS treatments to the WHO Essential Medicines List
استعراض أحداث عام 2024: عام من العمل في الاتحاد الدولي للتصلب العصبي المتعدد
As the year draws to a close, MSIF reflects on 2024 and looks ahead to the future.
Improve MS diagnosis
Many people with MS experience delays in diagnosis and are often misdiagnosed. Consider what can be done to improve awareness and improve early diagnosis.
بير بانيك: احتفاء بالتزام قائد ملهم في التصلب العصبي المتعدد
After 18 years of dedicated service Peer Baneke, the Chief Executive of MSIF, will be retiring this December.
حملة InsuremyMS# في الهند
The MS Society of India’s online campaign for better MS insurance coverage
ُميمة، المغرب
"Siempre tenemos la esperanza de que las cosas mejoren en el futuro y de que, algún día, consigamos encontrar una cura definitiva para la esclerosis múltiple. Hasta entonces, tenemos que seguir las investigaciones más recientes".
تعزيز الوعي بالتصلب العصبي المتعدد في إفريقيا بفضل مبادرة يقودها أطباء أعصاب من الشباب
MSIF Du Pré grants support the development of MS healthcare expertise
The WHO Intersectoral Global Action Plan for epilepsy and other neurological disorders
A 10-year global action plan that aims to improve the lives of people living with neurological conditions including MS
ما مدى توفر سبل الحصول على علاجات التصلّب العصبي المُتعدّد في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا؟
New publication highlights regional disparities in the management of MS
MENA region access to treatment charter
MS organisations across MENA use their collective voice to advocate for safe and effective MS treatment in a new regional charter
Why is it difficult to access treatments for MS in Southeast Asia?
New research explores challenges around MS management in the region.
حالة براءة اختراع العلاجات المعدلة لمرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد حول العالم
Collaborating with the Medicines Patent Pool as MSIF continues work on improving access to MS treatments
MSIF’s work on access to MS healthcare
Addressing barriers to accessing MS healthcare at a global, regional and national level.
Sanae, Morocco
'To even get my diagnosis I had to borrow money from others.'
Imane, Morocco
'I keep worrying: What if I was unable to get my treatment for a month or so? What will be the consequences?'
Hafizuddin, Malaysia
'I felt down, empty and lonely when I couldn’t go to the school.'
Tarrbinder, Malaysia
‘I don't count how many times I fall. I count how many times I stand up.’
Norzey, Malaysia
‘She went to sleep and didn’t wake up for two months’
Shahdar, Malaysia
‘They said ‘if a car is broken, it is useless to repair a tyre when the major problem is the engine’
Sharifah, Malaysia
‘I actually want to be in a more corporate kind of role in which you would be married to your job a bit more. That excites me.’
Get the evidence
Provide information on the number of people with MS and barriers to accessing healthcare to key decision-makers in your country.
قرار منظمة الصحة العالمية يمثل بارقة الأمل للمصابين بالتصلّب العصبي المتعدد في جميع أنحاء العالم
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) treatments added to WHO’s Essential Medicines List for the first time
Learn from others
Advocacy examples from the global MS movement to inspire you today.
Contact us for advice
Adriana, Argentina
'I was left in a situation of being newly diagnosed, scared and with the prospect that I didn't have health coverage.'
How to get started in advocacy
Your guide to successful advocacy. Tools and resources for healthcare professionals, MS organisations and people affected by MS to support their advocacy efforts to improve access to MS healthcare.