A free course to learn all about MS and how to manage it
The next ‘Understanding MS’ online course starts in March 2025
Last updated: 14th February 2025
What’s on this page?
Starting on 10 March, sign up for this free online course, Understanding Multiple Sclerosis.
MS Australia and MS Plus have partnered with the Menzies Institute for Medical Research in Tasmania so that you can improve your understanding and awareness of MS.
The six-week course allows you to study at your own pace. The modules are all online, giving you the flexibility to choose when and where you learn. It has been an international success. To date, more than 50,000 people from more than 170 countries have enrolled in this free course to date.
Enrol now at https://ms.mooc.utas.edu.au/ to access ‘Understanding MS’ anytime, from your phone, tablet or computer.
Who can enrol?
The course is open to anyone across the world with an interest in MS, including;
- People living with MS, their friends, families and carers
- Advocates, service delivery staff, support workers
- Medical and nursing professionals
- Allied health professionals
On average, participants improved their knowledge of MS by 25%. 63% of participants say they applied their learning to their everyday lives and 97% said they would recommend the course to someone else!
What does the course cover?
Over six modules, the course integrates scientific information with lived experience from members of the MS community. Modules are taught using engaging videos and interactive activities. Summaries are written in a clear accessible way and additional resources are signposted. The course will cover the following topics:
- Biology and Pathology
- Diagnosis and Symptoms
- Demographics and Introduction to Risk
- Risk Factors
- Disease Management and Support Strategies
- Living with MS
Sign up now
The next course begins on 10 March 2025. Previous participants have given the course a 5-star rating. You can enrol now at Previous participants have given the course a 5-star rating. If you are interested in taking part, you can enrol now at https://ms.mooc.utas.edu.au/index.php.
This course was developed by the Menzies Institute for Medical Research in partnership with MS Plus and MS Australia, and in collaboration with the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre.
Discover more about Understanding MS on Facebook and Instagram.
New courses from the Menzies Institute
Mental Health and MS is a free online course that will increase your understanding of how anxiety, depression and MS interact, affecting the lives of people with MS. It also provides practical tips for improving mental health. Across three self-paced course modules you will hear from a range of MS experts, including people living with MS, clinical psychologists and neurologists.
Enrol for free and start anytime: https://ms.mooc.utas.edu.au/i/mhif
Deciding about Disease Modifying Therapies (DMTs) for MS is a free online course that explains what DMTs are and how they work. The course aims to help people communicate clearly about DMTs and help people living with MS make informed decisions about using them. Across three course modules you will hear from a range of MS experts, including people living with MS, neurologists and an MS nurse.
Enrol to this self-paced course anytime: https://ms.mooc.utas.edu.au/i/dmtif
Both these courses were developed by the MS Research Flagship, Menzies Institute for Medical Research at the University of Tasmania in collaboration with the MS community.