Take the Pledge
The MS Society of Canada asks Canadians to pledge, donate and share
Last updated: 19th November 2015
Earlier this year, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada launched a bold new awareness campaign asking all Canadians whether they would flee or fight when faced with the fact that Canada has the highest rate of multiple sclerosis in the world (see the Atlas of MS).
In May, the MS Society took that awareness to the next level by asking Canadians to join #TeamFight and #TakethePledge to end MS.
Take the Pledge is a way to solidify a participant’s commitment to ending this unpredictable disease. People who have taken on the challenge – otherwise known as #TeamFight – are asked to choose between five uniquely Canadian pledges, make a donation, then challenge their friends by sharing these pledges on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media networks.
Canadians will also be asking influencers such as mayors, members of Parliament, athletes and celebrities to #TakethePledge with them. Pledges will be showcased online at endMS.ca, where visitors can also watch Canada’s map populate with donations to help #endMS.
“We’ve let Canadians know that MS is Canada’s disease – we have the highest rate in the world – so during MS Awareness Month we want to see if our country is up to the challenge to do whatever it takes to end MS,” says Yves Savoie, president and CEO, MS Society of Canada.