Bringing together the MS Society of India

27th June 2018

MSIF staff paid a special visit to India this month to launch an exciting new collaboration with…

Research and relaxation: Russia’s World MS Day

27th June 2018

The Russian MS Society embraced nature this World MS Day with a riverside seminar on MS treatment…

MS Ireland launches exciting new research report

27th June 2018

MS Ireland took World MS Day as an opportunity to launch a pioneering research report, designed to…

Uruguayan media shines a light on World MS Day

27th June 2018

TV stations, radio stations and newspapers across Uruguay shone a light on the many World MS Day…

Call for agencies and consultants: medicines regulation in Latin America

20th June 2018

The winding path of MS progression

15th June 2018

How the biological processes cause progression in different types of MS.

Brain damage in MS predicts long-term employment outcomes

15th June 2018

A new study has found a link found between brain imaging markers and long-term employment status.

How EBV might cause immune cells to go rogue in MS

15th June 2018

Study shows complex interaction between EBV and MS risk genes.

Brain volume changes may be key indicator for MS progression

15th June 2018

New research suggests the rate of brain atrophy, or brain shrinkage, may be an important indicator of…

First therapy to treat pediatric MS approved in US

17th May 2018

Fingolimod has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for children…

Creative brief: Arab region awareness raising campaign

15th May 2018

MSIF is looking for an Arabic speaking experienced creative agency/consultant to develop a visual concept for an…

Japan MS Society hosts seventh annual seminar

8th May 2018

The Japan MS Society invited people affected by MS, MS professionals and the public to its seventh…