The board of trustees provides overall strategic direction and monitors MSIF’s progress. It also approves the annual budget, monitors and approves financial statements, and scrutinises effective planning and resource management.
Board members are recruited for their skills and experience in order to help us run effectively. Particular attention is paid to experience with MS, geographic representation, and ensuring that the Board reflects a range of backgrounds and perspectives.

MSIF’s Board currently comprises 17 members, including the Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer. Many Board members either have MS or have someone close to them who does.

The Board generally meets four times a year, in person or online. There are also meetings of committees and expert groups responsible for advising the Board and/or the Chief Executive.

Our board members


CHAIR – Mario Battaglia (Italy)

Mario is President of Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (AISM) and is a founding executive member of the Patient Reported Outcomes Initiative for MS. He is Professor of Hygiene and Public Health at the University of Siena.

VICE CHAIR – Ana Torredemer (Spain)

Ana serves on the board of Esclerosis Múltiple España (EME). She also serves on the board of Fundació Cemcat, focused on research and knowledge of MS. Ana serves on the MSIF’s People with MS Advisory Committee.

TREASURER – Vicky Annis (UK)

Vicky is the Executive Director of Finance, Strategy and Impact at the UK MS Society. She chairs MSIF Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and is a member of MSIF Governance and Membership Committee.

Andrea Prato (Uruguay)

Andrea was diagnosed with MS in 2011, aged 22. She offers voluntary support as an honorary psychologist Uruguayan University Hospital Multiple Sclerosis Polyclinic and she is part of Esclerosis Múltiple Uruguay’s management team. Andrea also serves on the MSIF’s People with MS Advisory Committee and MSIF Governance and Membership Committee.

Ava Battles (Ireland)

Ava  has been the Chief Executive of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland since 2011. She is also involved with the Neurological Alliance of Ireland, the Disability Federation of Ireland and the Irish Platform for Patients’ Science and Industry. She serves on MSIF’s Nominating Committee and chairs MSIF’s CEO Expert Group.

Desmond Graham (Australia)

Desmond was appointed to the MS Australia Board in 2014, and elected President in 2019. He has also been a board member of MS Plus since June 2016. Desmond  serves on MSIF’s People with MS Advisory Committee.

Dimitra Kalogianni (Greece)

Dimitra, who has MS, is a member of the Board of the Greek MS Society. She serves on the Board of the European MS Platform (EMSP). Dimitra is a member of MSIF’s Nominating Committee. She also chairs the MSIF’s People with MS Advisory Committee.

Hemant Nerurkar (India)

Mr. Hemant M. Nerurkar, was appointed President of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of India (MSSI) in 2021. He brings his experience  in Research Engineering, as well as his associations with various institutions, companies and NGOs with experience as a board member or chairman.

Herbert Temmes (Germany)

Herbert has been Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Multiple Sklerose Gesellschaft Bundesverband e.V (DMSG) since 2019. He is also the President of the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP). He chairs MSIF’s Fundraising Expert Group.

Jan van Amstel (Netherlands)

Jan van Amstel is the president of the Dutch MS Association and treasurer of the European MS Platform’s Executive Committee. He has worked in the Dutch Ministry of Health, the National Hospital Institute, and been director at several rehabilitation hospitals. Jan has a daughter with MS.

Jean-Frédéric de Leusse (France)

Jean Frédéric de Leusse, spent his career between the State public service and banking activities. Jean-Frederic was the president of ARSEP Foundation between 2012 and 2022 Since 2023 he is the President of a group of medico-social establishments. 

Klaus Høm (Denmark)

Klaus has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Scleroseforeningen (The Danish MS Society) since 2015. He previously chaired MSIF’s CEO Expert Group.

Magd Zakaria (Egypt)

Magd Zakaria has been President of the Egyptian MS Society since 2017. He serves on the MENACTRIMS Board, MSIF International Medical and Scientific Board (IMSB) and International Working Group for Access (IWGA). He is the  co-founder of the National Egyptian MS registry.

Martin Stevens OBE  (UK)

Martin has been living with MS since 1993 and was in the UK MS Society from 1996 onwards. He chaired MSIF’s People with MS Advisory Committee from 2012 – 2019. Martin chairs MSIF Governance and Membership Committee and is a member of the Nominating Committee, Fundraising Expert Group, and Finance, Risk and Audit committee.

Martinus Desmet (Belgium)

Martinus is administrator on the Board of the Flemish MS Society and the Belgian MS Society. He is a member of the MSIF Governance & Membership Committee. He has many years of experience in national and international health and diplomacy.

Pamela Valentine (Canada)

Pamela is a trained research scientist and has served as the MS Society of Canada’s President and Chief Executive Officer since 2018. She is a founding executive member of the Patient Reported Outcomes Initiative for MS. She serves on MSIF Governance and Membership Committee.

Rami Ayach (Lebanon)

Rami Ayach, who has MS, is an active advocate and volunteer. He joined Amis Libanais des Sclérosés En Plaques (ALSEP) in 2014 and has been instrumental in leading awareness campaigns, educational outreach, and fundraising initiatives.  Rami has been a dedicated member of the MSIF Resources Group since 2018.

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